
This popcorn is great for everything from topping desserts to simply enjoying on its own…

When Measuring Un-popped Popcorn Kernels:

2 tablespoons of kernels will make approximately 4 cups of popped popcorn.

1/4 cup of kernels will make approximately 8 cups of popped popcorn.

(… and so on and so forth.)

When cooking with caramel:

+ Have everything ready before you turn the heat on. Measure out all of your ingredients and prepare a place for it to go once it’s finished cooking.

+ Pay attention! It might seem like it takes forever to even get a little color in the sugar water, but once it gets going, things can change very quickly. Burnt caramel is never fun.

{ Recipe Below }



Organic Caramel Popcorn Recipes in English and French at La Bonne Honte  |  |  Copyright 2018 La Bonne Honte
Organic Caramel Popcorn Recipes in English and French at La Bonne Honte  |  |  Copyright 2018 La Bonne Honte
Organic Caramel Popcorn Recipes in English and French at La Bonne Honte  |  |  Copyright 2018 La Bonne Honte
Organic Caramel Popcorn Recipes in English and French at La Bonne Honte  |  |  Copyright 2018 La Bonne Honte


(Makes about 4 cups of popped popcorn)

For the Popcorn:

1 tbsp butter or vegetable oil ( 14 grams )

2 tablespoons un-popped popcorn kernels

salt to taste

For the Caramel:

3.5 Tablespoons of water ( 50 mL )

1/2 cup sugar ( 105 grams )

1/2 tbsp butter ( 7 grams )


Small sauce pan / pot with a tight-fitting lid

Heatproof spatula

Large Bowl

Heavy-bottom pot

medium baking sheet (tin)

baking paper (parchment) to line the pan



 For the Popcorn:

1. Add your oil (or butter) and three popcorn kernels into a medium pot. Place on the stove and set the temperature to high. Put the lid on and wait for the three kernels to pop, shaking the pot every now and then to prevent burning. Once the kernels have popped, remove them and add the rest of the kernels. Place the lid back on and remove the pot from heat for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, place the pot back on the high heat. Shake often to prevent burning. Once the sound of popping slows to once every 5 seconds, remove the pot from the heat and remove the lid. Salt the popcorn lightly and set it aside for later.

For the Caramel:

(With caramel, you’ll need to work quickly. It’s best to have everything ready before you begin.)

1. Line your baking sheet with the baking parchment and set aside. (This will be where you spread your caramel popcorn out to cool.)

2. Put the sugar in your heavy-bottomed pan and add the water. Shuffle the pan around a bit to settle the sugar and water. Do not stir it.

3. Put it on the stove and turn the burner on to medium-low heat. Do not stir. Allow the sugar water to bubble lightly. Shuffle the pan around occasionally to even it out. It will eventually begin to darken in color.

4. When the liquid has turned an even amber color add the butter and stir with your heatproof spatula. The liquid will bubble up, but just keep stirring until all the bubbles subside.

5. Once the caramel has become liquidy and smooth, pour it all over your popped popcorn. Give it a good stir to coat all of the popcorn with caramel. Once your popcorn is coated, quickly spread it out on your waiting baking sheet. Allow to cool for a few minutes, then break apart and enjoy!


Caramel Popcorn

Laura | October 2018

Prep & Cooking time: 25 minutes

Total time: ~ 25 minutes

Servings: Makes about 4 Cups of Popped Popcorn

Level of Skill: Medium


For the Popcorn:

  • 1 tbsp butter or vegetable oil ( 14 grams )
  • 2 tablespoons un-popped popcorn kernels
  • salt to taste

For the Caramel:

  • 3.5 Tablespoons of water ( 50 mL )
  • 1/2 cup sugar ( 105 grams )
  • 1/2 tbsp butter ( 7 grams )


For the Popcorn:

  1. Add your oil (or butter) and three popcorn kernels into a medium pot. Place on the stove and set the temperature to high. Put the lid on and wait for the three kernels to pop, shaking the pot every now and then to prevent burning. Once the kernels have popped, remove them and add the rest of the kernels. Place the lid back on and remove the pot from heat for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, place the pot back on the high heat. Shake often to prevent burning. Once the sound of popping slows to once every 5 seconds, remove the pot from the heat and remove the lid. Salt the popcorn lightly and set it aside for later.

For the Caramel:

(With caramel, you’ll need to work quickly. It’s best to have everything ready before you begin.)

  1. Line your baking sheet with the baking parchment and set aside. (This will be where you spread your caramel popcorn out to cool.)

  2. Put the sugar in your heavy-bottomed pan and add the water. Shuffle the pan around a bit to settle the sugar and water. Do not stir it.

  3. Put it on the stove and turn the burner on to medium-low heat. Do not stir. Allow the sugar water to bubble lightly. Shuffle the pan around occasionally to even it out. It will eventually begin to darken in color.

  4. When the liquid has turned an even amber color add the butter and stir with your heatproof spatula. The liquid will bubble up, but just keep stirring until all the bubbles subside.

  5. Once the caramel has become liquidy and smooth, pour it all over your popped popcorn. Give it a good stir to coat all of the popcorn with caramel. Once your popcorn is coated, quickly spread it out on your waiting baking sheet. Allow to cool for a few minutes, then break apart and enjoy!


(per 1 cup serving)

Servings: Four 1 cup sized servings

Fat: 4.5 grams

Calories: 166

Nutrition estimated by